Connect Course: Time to Sign-Up

I am writing to alert you that now is the time to sign-up for the “Connect?” Course, which is a small group discussion on what it means to belong to a Eucharistic community that I will lead. It is for both newcomers and regulars. This course begins Sunday January 4th, going from 12:15 pm to 1:45 pm and runs for 6 weeks. We will provide a simple lunch. These is no charge for the course or the lunch.

We will also provide free babysitting.

The Connect? Course is a great way to meet new people and is an important step as you seek to deepen your life in Christ at All Saints.

You can sign up by  emailing me at or on the clipboard at the back of the church.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at All Saints.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

Advent Blessings,