What is Confirmation?  

After a person in grade 9 or above is “ready and duly prepared,” he or  she has the chance to be confirmed, which is “to make a mature public  affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their  Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.”  It’s not joining the church. (That happened at baptism.)  

It’s not about pleasing parents or grandparents. Parents made the  decision for their child at baptism, now it’s time to allow young people to  explore their own relationship with God, as well as what they think and  believe about God and the church.  

  What can parents do to support their youth preparing for  Confirmation?  

Parents can help their youth decide if they are ready to make the  commitment of time and energy to prepare. Parents can listen when the  youth is ready to talk, encourage them, and support their efforts.    

At the end, who decides if a youth is “ready” to make a “mature”  spiritual commitment?  

The priest and the youth make this decision. Not everyone’s internal  spiritual journey goes along in the same way; it could be that a young  person decides not to be confirmed at this time.

What is “duly prepared?”  

At All Saints’, preparation for Confirmation is a three part commitment  to education, liturgy, and service. We provide a retreat, classes, Sponsors, volunteer opportunities and spiritual guidance to help the youth with this preparation. 


For more information about Confirmation at All Saints’, please contact the Director of Religious Education at churchschool@allsaintschelmsford.org.