The Christmas Pageant at All Saints’ is a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus. All kids are encouraged to join us. The Pageant is part of the liturgy at the 4pm service on Christmas Eve. It will be live and masks will be optional.

  •  Animals, Angels and non-speaking Shepherds: These kids will not have lines, and don’t need to come to any rehearsals- guests encouraged!! Some animal noises. All types of animals allowed…
  • Dancing Angels- all of the perks of other angels, along with a simple choreographed dance. Because of the dance, Dancing Angels have a dance to learn. It’s always pretty easy.
  • Tumbling Stars: cartwheels and summersaults…all skills encouraged!
  • Actors: these are roles with lines. Currently, this is the list of Roles with Lines:
    • Narrators, Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Gabriel’s Angel Posse, Elizabeth, Inn Keeper, Inn Keeper’s Assistant, Shepherds, Three Kings
  • Stage Crew: Stage crew develops sets, costumes and props, designs lighting, and works with the director to run the Pageant. 
  • Leadership: these are roles for our older youth who would like to work with the kids to bring the Pageant to life. All Leadership youth should contact Laura Marshall about the role they would like to take in the Pageant.
  • Music…if you have a child who would like to play a song for the pageant, please contact me.

We like to keep the Pageant well-organized and are always supportive and emphasize the fun. Practices for all ACTORS- each Sunday in Dec. Practice for EVERYONE Dec. 4th &18th. Practice will be after the 10am service. If you can’t make a rehearsal, don’t worry- you can still be involved. Costumes are provided. Please sign up and let me know how you’d like to join in!