Hello Everyone!

These clues just seem to keep coming.
I hope you are figuring them out!

– Anon

Here’s an interesting place to start.
How are we together when we’re apart?
Have we ever done that before?
Yes we have! We’re doing it some more.

Writings, teaching, symbols and song
Help us remember we all belong.
Letters, stories, and chats are swell.
Safe distance visits are as well.

Practices help us keep clarity
Of our beliefs and our community.
Bible and prayer and church on line
Are different, but for now are fine.

The knowledge search is again at hand!
Go through some doors, I command!
Find pieces of clues to solve and have fun.
This note is over! Its finished! Its done!

– Leanna Thuniaz

Summer Mystery Clubhouse
Stuck? Email a detective for help: ascsmc2020@gmail.com